coc game guide and strategy for new and existing clash of clans players. This blog is created for providing tips and tricks to coc players around the world.
coc game guide and strategy
coc game guide and strategy for new and existing clash of clans players. This blog is created for providing tips and tricks to coc players around the world.
Goho attack strategy is very common in town hall 9 which depends a lot on the position of double giant bombs. Because if a group of hogs triggers double giant bombs on their way, that group is most likely get killed instantly. So this is highly recommended not to use hogs in lot of giant bomb areas if you are just starting to learn hogs attacks in th9. But, once you get expert using this, you may be able to avoid triggering double giant bombs. the The most common mistake that most people does is, sending hogs all together! You shouldn't do this not only because of bombs but also wastage of time and damage of hogs. Hogs are fast and thus they clear defenses fast. So try to send them a little scattered instead of sending them together!
Goho attack and troop sending strategy
Goho attack in th9 starts with golem. You have to pick a good spot to send the golems in. Remember, golems and wizes must take out queen, enemy clan castle troops and some possible giant bomb if possible! They are the greatest enemy of hogs in th9. The archer queen will hunt hogs all around the base because she has her radius and long range. If the enemy clans castle is away from archer queen location, try to lure them first using a hog. Then send the golems and wizards to clear out archer queen and enemy clan castle troops. Remember, make sure all the enemy clan castle troops are out! You can calculate this easily, for example, if clan castle capacity is 30, then it may contain 1 dragon 2 balloons, or 1 dragon 2 wizes 2 archers. After getting a satisfactory results from golems and wizes, start sending hogs. You have to be careful while you are sending hogs. You may not wait till all the wizes and golems are killed, because if all wizes die, you will find it hard to clean up later. But, it is wise to wait until enemy clan castle troops and queen are dead. Try to keep 1-2 wizes at hand. You can use these to clean up.
Goho attack and spell combination
When you are applying heal spell, keep a careful look where most of the
hogs are headed! Do not apply heal spell right above hogs, because they
will overrun the heal radius fast and it will get wasted! In latest update in 2016, you may use skeleton spell for multiple purposes. For example, you can lure clan castle troops (make sure all are out) or use them for final clean up. Just remember, they don't trigger traps, so you cannot trigger giant bombs using skeleton spell. Poison spell is also useful for multiple purposes. You can slow down clan castle troops of enemy and queen to take them out fast. You can also use poison spell to kill enemy skeletons which spawns from skeleton traps. But just don't forget they are really fast, so don't apply right above them, apply where they are headed.
You may take 3 earthquake spells (+1 is clan castle spell), total 4 earthquake if queen is in the deep location of base and clan castle location is away too. Deploy spells wisely to break the walls and kill the queen and enemy cc troops.
Goho attack and final words
Goho attack in th9 depends a lot on sending in troops in right time in right location, using spells correctly and also depends on enemy base design. Not all base designs are perfect for goho attacks. You will learn eventually by practicing. Practice some attacks in farming bases. Don't go straight forward at war bases, because you may get frustrated as most of the starting goho attacks ends up in either 1 star or 0 star! Goho is a very powerful attack at th9 if it is implemented correctly. I wish you good luck.
Coc game is one of the most popular games in both android and ios operating system. The game was
released by Supercell in 2012 and is available for both Android and Apple iOS
platforms. This game is an online multiplayer strategic game. The game requires
planning and skills to win, and you can enjoy either the single player arcade
or the multiplayer.
Strategies Of The Game
The first strategy of the game is to create a defence
mechanism for your clan. To do this, you are required to use urban planning for
your village. That means to strengthen your defence mechanism by creating a
tightly spaced village. Protecting such as village is easy compared to
protecting a village that has spread all over the place.
Moreover, it is also advisable that you add more weapons to
your collection for an enhanced defence mechanism. Even though you are limited
in the number of weapons you can add to your clan, the game gives you the
privilege of adding more weapons as you progress from one stage to the other.
Furthermore, you also need to choose effective weapons that you can use to
attack your enemies. That means you should choose weapons that are convenient
to use for such scenarios.
The second strategy that you need to perfect on so that you
can win in this game is how to attack. However, the attacking strategy that you
choose will depend on your goal. You can use an attacking strategy to
accumulate gold or even to accumulate elixir. Furthermore, you should be aware
that attacking strategies are different at every stage. That means you might
want to change your attacking strategy for every stage.
How To Increases Your Chances Of Winning Clash Of Clans
The easy way of increasing your winning chances is to
upgrade your elixir and gold as well to reach the maximum collection.
Furthermore, you also need to keep on attacking more villages so that you can
accumulate points and win more elixir and gold. Moreover, it is advisable that
you secure your victory in battles so that you do not lose points or any of the
Clash of Clans is an enjoyable game and challenging at the
same. Moreover, the application is small in size which means you do not need a
large space to download the application direct to your smartphone.
Intrigued about the article's explanation on clash of clans?
You can download the game on in the Google Play store or this link here. You
can also find more advanced method on farming and facts about hack for clash of
clans at this website.
Clash of Clans super queen is a popular strategy now a days. Over the last couple of weeks I have been noticing a hefty
amount of people in my clan, and also even on YouTube, that have discovered a
new way to get lots of Dark Elixir in just one sitting on Clash of Clans. I
have absolutely no idea where this strategy came about or who first discovered
it, but I have to say that it works fantastically if done correctly.
This new strategy to farm Dark Elixir uses your Archer Queen
and a bunch of Healers. I’ve noticed people using between 8-10 Healers at a
single time on just your Archer Queen, I personally think that 8 is plenty.
Minions are also used to clean up some of the trash builds along the outside of
the base to help from distracting the Queen, but I’ll get into the complete
army composition in a little.
The bases we should attack with Super Queen
Typically when using this attack you are supposed to search
for a base that has about 2,500 Dark Elixir available for the taking. More
specifically from the Dark Elixir Storage because the Drills are usually scattered
around the base. Also you want to make sure that the Dark Elixir Storage will
be accessible to attack. If it is completely hidden in the base and you think
your Queen wont be able to reach it just search for a new one.
The Significance of the Healers
The Healers and the Queen work absolutely perfect together.
It is best to place your Queen down by one of the air defenses so she targets
IS TARGETING IT. The Healers are just out of range of the air defense, which
makes this attack strategy supper effective. It is not meant to destroy the
entire base, there simply isn’t enough time, but it is perfect for specifically
targeting loot. Another thing that I have noticed is that this strategy pretty
much works for any level Archer Queen. I have seen a replay of a kid in my clan
using this strategy with a level 8 Archer Queen and consistently steal 2,000+
Dark Elixir from his opponents. That is how powerful this attack can be.
Super Queen Army Composition
Like I mentioned earlier this competitions main focus is the
Archer Queen with the majority of your army camp being filled up with Healers.
Below I will give an exact rundown of the troops, but for now I’m going to give
each troops contribution to the attack strategy. I would not recommend using
any less than 8 Healers at a time. With that said you also don’t need to exceed
10, it mainly depends on the level of your Queen and the level of the defenses
on the village you plan to attack. Just use your best judgment with exactly how
Healers to use at one. In my army camp I might bring 10 with me (from 2 in each
army camp) but I would only deploy 8 of them leaving me a couple for my next
attack. I would also highly recommend bringing maybe 8 Wall Breakers with you
(2 in each camp) or maybe 5-6 instead. With the new arch Queen AI she rarely
chooses to target a wall to enter the center of the base. The use of the Wall
Breakers will allow her to target buildings in the center of the base and not
run around the entire perimeter. Lastly the Minions, simply just fill the
remaining places in your barracks with Minions. I suppose you can replace the
Minions with archer or barbs or whatever else you choose, but Minions are cheap
and deal a lot of damage.
This is my exact troop composition. I am a Town Hall 10 and
I have maxed army camps so I am able to have 240 troops with me. Because of
this I found 10 archers, 8 wallbreakers and 42 Minions a good combination. As
you can see I also have some rage spells and a jump spell with me. These are
actually the spells I am bringing to war with me, but as long as there’s a jump
spell and a rage spell everything should go smoothly.
If you are a Town Hall 9 and can only bring 220 troops I
would suggest 10 Healers 8 Wall Breakers and 32 Minions. You could also take 2
less wallbreakers and substitute them for Minions, but the 2 extra Minions
won’t make a significant difference.
It is best to mix and match your troops compositions to see
which one you care more comfortable using. You may realize that you need more
wallbreakers than you though you needed, or maybe you would rather substitute
some Minions for another Healer. The choice is yours.
About Spells
I would recommend having at least one Jump Spell handy for
each attack. That doesn’t mean that you need to use it each and every single
attack, but if the Queen starts to wander in a direction you don’t want her to
go the Jump Spell will help redirect her. Also it would be important to have a
rage spell just in case. Oddly enough the rage spell should mainly be used on
the Healers. Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you either
lost a few Healers or you have a bunch of defenses targeting the Queen and the
Healers just can’t keep up. The Rage Spell increases the amount of health
points given to the Queen, filling up her health bar quickly and keeping it
there for the duration of the spell.
Super Queen Farming Strategy
Like I mentioned earlier as to what to look for when using
this attack, you want to make sure that the base you are attacking has a decent
amount of Dark Elixir Dark Elixir for the taking. You also want to make sure it
is accessible. I lucked out in my example because the Dark Elixir storage was
only behind one set of Walls.